There was an eerie sound. Before the door slowly opened and nine gargantuan dogs appeared.Their teeth bared eyeing me before pouncing. I managed to slip away in the nick of time,in that moment I was out the barn doors, I glanced behind me and saw these brutes of animals still chasing me. As I was looking back I saw all the animals shocked and amazed at the events that were happening. I sprinted along the pasture as if I was in the 100 metre dash,I ran as fast as my four legs could take me, but the dogs were hot on the heels of my trotter. I suddenly slipped. I regained my footing and continued (running faster than ever). They gained on me. One clamoed its jaws on my tail. But I whisked away safely.Then I put on an extra spurt and, with a few inches to spare, slipped through a hole in the hedge and was seen no more…
The Running Of Snowball
4 responses to “The Running Of Snowball”
Your vocabulary helps to show a sense of fear and impending doom.
You are able to demonstrate that you can vary sentence lengths and structures for effect.Target: Always re-read and edit sentence structures – is your intended meaning clear. Look again at your first three sentences – where could you include commas to help show your intentions?
what is my target grade
thanks, meshach -
Hello Meshach,
Your target grade is 7B.
Mr North
Hello Mr. North
what is my curreent level? and what do i have to do to get a 7B?