Romeo and Juliet Assessment Results

Over-All grade: INCOMPLETE: 6C

  1. Timeline: 6C – Clear and detailed
  2. Essay:
    • Reading Grade: 6A – Clear appreciation of much of the lingustic, stylistic, generic and historical context of the play
    • Writing Grade: 5A – Well structured, with lapses in style and mechanical accuracy (particularly the structuring and punctuation of sentences)






2 responses to “Romeo and Juliet Assessment Results”

  1. meshach Avatar

    hi mr.waugh how was my work incomplete and how could i of got a better grade

    1. Christopher Waugh Avatar

      Hi, Meshach. Your submissions may all be there, but the assessment of them is incomplete because I still have to verify them all. Most students wrote a checklist on their blog of what they were submitting, but you may have been absent at that time. We can discuss it in class on Thursday – but feel free to add a list of your submitted material and I will chase it down.

      I can talk to you about how to gain a higher grade, but your starting point is most definitely in the accuracy of your writing – the spelling and structure of sentences.

